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Rate / Fee Calculator

These calculations are for 1-4 Family Residential properties.

To obtain an estimate of what figures to include on your Loan Estimate (or GFE), fill out the form fields below.

* denotes required field

General Info

Calculation is for a:
Your Name:
Your Company:
This estimate is for a:
This estimate is being prepared for:

Transaction Information

Property Address:
Escrow Location State:
Escrow Location County:
Services to be performed by Old Republic Title:
Sales Price:
Loan Amount:
Is the subject property owned by a lender (REO)?

Loan Policy Endorsements (Check all that apply)

(Restrictions, Encroachments & Minerals)
(Easement, Existing Encroachment, Enforced Removal)
(Environmental Protection Lien)
(Variable Rate Mortgage)
(Variable Rate Mortgage, Negative Amortization)
(Planned Unit Development)
(Planned Unit Development)
(Designation of Improvements, Address)
(Location and Map)

Additional Escrow Services (Check all that apply)